Ghislaine Beeson Art

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Sources of Inspiration

Feeding the Well or what I do if I get Artist’s Block

Someone I was chatting to recently asked how I got my ideas for paintings especially as they are often not a specific representation of a place and if  I ever feel 'blocked' ( get artist's block instead of writer's block. ) Well of course all artists and creators do get blocked from time to time and then I think it's necessary to 'feed the well'. This for me means gathering as many ideas and sources of inspiration possible. I find this gives me ideas for my paintings and if necessary gets me out of the funk of artist's block. It's the combination of ideas, landscapes, sights, sounds and emotions that make my paintings.

Here are some of my approaches:

  • reading - this often takes the form of nature books, about art or various landscapes and sometimes poetry

  • walking- around my local area of Herefordshire and the Shropshire Hills or in Brittany or by the coast

  • sketching- on my walks where I aim to illustrate my feelings and emotions of a place rather than an actual representation, I take photos for that. As well as sketching I often note down words or phrases that will remind me of the setting

  • looking at art in galleries, exhibitions & online

  • using different materials- going through my store of materials I often come across items I have not used for some time. It might be swapping from oils to acrylics, using inks, found materials or collage

  • visiting different places- a variety of landscapes will yield new views or different features such as rocks, moors or big skies.