How do you get ready for Spring?

Fed up with cold, windy weather? 04/03/20

We had a couple of bright sunny days here on the Shropshire/Herefordshire borders. Primroses, daffodils, and violets out in the banks and hedgerows. The blue skies and sunshine encouraged me to try some outdoor sketching but on each occasion the wind was bitterly cold on the hills so the sketches were very quick and incomplete.
I find as Spring arrives my colour palette changes and out come my tubes of lemon yellow, cadmium yellow and acid green. I love these colours! I remember as a child of about 8 years at school designing a repeating pattern in bright yellow and black. Later as a teacher my wall displays were usually on a yellow ground with a black border too. And if you looked in my wardrobe.... many shades of yellow and ochre!
All this led me to wondering ' What do you do to prepare for Spring?'


A Very Different Spring


Inspired by Colour