Exploring the World Through Art

Mythical human forms being entangled by wispy , green stems.

Exploring The World Through Art

Collectors and lovers of my paintings will know that I love to be outdoors in the landscape or by the sea and the more open, wilder or unspoilt the better. Since the autumn of 2023, however, my paintings have not only been about the emotions I feel or the spirit of a place but also I am exploring the world and our place in it.

This is a world where the ordinary is miraculous. My motifs explore the boundary of the unknown and are at the edge of mystery. The path I took to arrive at this place in my art seems to me to be cumulative. My love of the wild, empty landscape led me to consider the timelessness of the world, our place in it, and the mystery of existence. Reading of myths, legends and folklore has acquainted me with stories of long ago when the earth was new and the dreams preceded history and there was a connection between interior and exterior worlds.  Many of the Celtic myths resonate with me as I live on the borders of Wales/England and also spend part of each year in Brittany. These myths often feature strong females and this has led me to consider the role and treatment of women now and through time.

We are a single part of the world and all the parts sit together. Look carefully at my recent paintings and you will notice figures sometimes feature and the interconnectedness of all existence  and our responsibility for the future of the planet is a theme.

Every living thing is special and we are a part and so my paintings are

β€˜Exploring The World Through Art’.


In my next blog I will  share some of the books that are inspiring my journey.


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